It is the responsibility of all cat owners to keep their feline friend as healthy as possible. This includes providing a good diet and taking them to the vets regularly.

Dos For Good Health

  • Feed the cat a proper diet which contains essential nutrients.
  • Make sure to carefully read the labels on cat food to ensure it is healthy.
  • Ask a vet about the best diet plan for an individual cat, based on their activity level.
  • Provide a fresh and clean water supply. This is especially important for felines that are on dry food. Once the water bowl is empty it should be refilled as soon as possible.
  • Allow the cat to have its own bowl for eating and drinking. They should be washed up regularly.
  • Give them their space when they eat so they can have peace and privacy during meal times.

Don’ts For Good Health

  • Cats should not be given too many treats as this will affect their appetites. If they are not hungry for meal times they could miss out on eating important nutrients.
  • It is not wise to give a cat human food. Doing so is the leading cause of obesity in felines.
  • Some owners will overfill the cat’s food bowl because the portions look small. However, cat food is designed to be energy dense. It is best to follow feeding guides.

Life Expectancy

How long a cat lives will depend on several factors including genetics, environment and healthcare. Domestic cats tend to have a life expectancy between 12 and 17 years. However, some breeds are able to reach over 20 and beyond. The oldest recorded age for a cat was 38. They were called Creme Puff and lived from 1986 to 2017. Since then the record has been attained by other cats also in their 30s.